Shiva Granito Export Limited SME IPO has launched an IPO on Aug 23, 2016 till Aug 29, 2016. It is a fixed price IPO with face value at Rs. 10 and issue price at Rs. 12 per equity share. The Share will be listed in BSE SME platform. Previously, the company has filed its draft prospectus to be listed on the BSE, SME platform with markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

Company Profile

Initially, the company was introduced as a partnership firm in the year 2007  with an engagement of importer and exporter of all kind of decorative stone minerals chemicals. Then, it started to extend its working operations after doing manufacturing of the engineers quartz stone slabs, different grades of resign and quartz stone powder. The company also began to manufacture God & Goddess statues/deities for further dealing. The manufacturing units of the firm is located at Vana Village in Udaipur district, Rajasthan which spread over 4.1 bighas, where the firm make new colors, besides facilitating conducting of tests and analysis of different types of products.  The company runs a resign manufacture units which is having an annual capacity of approx. 1900 metric tonnes(MT) of different grades like polyethylene terephalate (PET), general purpose and marble grade.  The firm is also engaged to manufacture quartz slab of different colors and sizes with its quartz slab manufacturing unit which has an annual capacity of over 1.5 million square feet.

The company holds different  markets for resin as categorized into three ways on the basis of its end-use:-  

  1. Industrial sale
  2. Dealer Sale
  3. Self Consumption

Purpose of the issue

  1. Augmenting additional working capital requirements;
  2. To expand its brand name, company image.
  3. To create a public trading market for the Equity Shares of the company by listing them on BSE.
  4. General Corporate Purpose.

Summary Of Issue:

Issue Open:- August 23, 2016 – August 29, 2016
Issue Type 100% Book Built Issue IPO
Issue Size (Shares) 4,200,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10
Issue Size in (Value) Rs. 5.04 Crore
Face Value Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
Issue Price Rs. [12] Per Equity Share
Market lots 10000 Shares
Minimum Order Quantity 10000 Shares
Listing At BSE, SME

Promoters Of the Company:-

1) Mr. Suresh Upadhyay :- He is the chairman and whole time director of the Company. He is 44 years old.

2) Mrs. Abhisek Upadhyay :- He is managing director of the company. He is 32 years old.


Particulars For the year/Period ended (Rs. in Millions)
Financial Year 31-Mar-16 31-Mar-15 31-Mar-14 31-Mar-13 31-Mar-12
Total Equity & Liabilities 1895.10 2291.46 1773.04 951.08 10.31
Total Assets 1895.10 2291.46 1773.04 951.08 39.73
Total Revenue 511.25 1459.00 258.20 0.48 50.49
Total Expenses 568.68 1575.98 283.15 1.18 46.09
Profit After Tax (PAT) (39.68) (85.22) (17.65) (0.49) 8.01

Lead Manager Details:

406-408, Keshava Premises, Behind Family Court

Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051

Tel: +91-22 6194 6700 / 725   Fax: +91-22 2659 8690



Investor Grievance Id:

Contact Person: Mr. Saahil Kinkhabwala

SEBI Registration No: INM000012110

Registrar Of The Issue:-


E2, Ansa Industrial Estate, Sakivihar Road, Saki Naka, Andheri (East)

Mumbai – 400 072

Tel: +91-22-4043 0200,  Fax: +91-22-2847 5207



Contact Person: Mr. Vipin Gupta

SEBI Registration Number: INR000001385

Registered Office:

8, Bhatt ji Ki Baari,  Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan, India.

Tel. No. 0294 2427577Fax No. 0294-2414463

Contact Person: Youdhveer Singh Rathore, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer;


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