Madhya Bharat Agro SME IPO is set to go live on Aug 29, 2016 on BSE SME platform. It is a fixed price IPO with issue size of approx. ~14 crores at an issue price of Rs. 24 per equity share. The face value per equity share stand at Rs.10 per equity share. The company has filed its draft prospectus to be listed on the BSE, SME platform with markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The company has received an approval letter from BSE for using its name in this offer document for listing its shares on the SME Platform of BSE.

Company profile:-

Madhya Bharat Agro limited  was incorporated on October 22, 1997 . This firm is the main group of Ostwal group of Industries which manufactures SSP (Single Super Phosphate) in India with Non-government sector. The use of SSP is mainly for replenishing “P” (Phosphorus) in the soil which gets depleted steadily with any types of agri- crop.  It is useful for the farmers to get nutrients “s” along with “P” unlike other fertilizer. It is likely to establish an integrated State of Art Unit of Mineral Beneficiation for manufacturing of Single Super Phosphate and Granulated Single Super Phosphate and ancillary plant of Sulphuric Acid.

The company has set up Unit II for manufacturing Beneficial Rock Phosphate (BRP) which has an installed capacity of processing 99000 TPA and SSP with installed capacity of 180000 TPY (Licensed capacity 240000 TPY) and Sulphuric Acid with installed capacity of 36000 TPY (having licensed capacity is 99000 TPY). The firm is planning to bring new project GSSP (having licensed capacity is 180000 TPY) which is completely integrated state of art manufacturing facility.

Outlook of the Firm:-

  1. Strong Management good team along with qualified employee
  2. Competitive business strategy.
  3. Potential for future Growth
  4. Facilitates modern infrastructure and integrated Facilities
  5. Available with cost effective sources with locational benefits
  6. Setting up Unit II- Beneficiated Rock Phosphate Plant (BRP)

Objects Of The Issue:-

1) Carry out the sale of 57,90,000 Equity Shares of the Company by the Selling Shareholders;
2.  Aims to expand its brand name ensuring future prospectus of its employees.
3. General corporate purpose.

Summary Of Issue:

Issue Open:- Aug 29, 2016-Sep 2,2016
Issue Type Fixed Price Issue IPO
Issue Size (Shares) 5,790,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 aggregating
Issue Size in (Value) Rs. 13.90 crore
Face Value Rs. 10 Per Equity Share
Issue Price Rs. 24 Per Equity Share
Market lots  Shares
 Minimum Order Quantity  Shares
Listing At BSE, SME


Promoters Of the Company:

  1. Mr. Pankaj Ostwal- He is 34 years old. He is managing director of the company. He is having more than 9 years of experience in the fertilizer along with textile sector.
  2. Mr. Praveen Ostwal:- He is 32 years old. He is a chartered accountant and also associated with Ostwal group of industries.
  3. Mrs. Ekta Jain:- She is 34 years old. She is an MBA and wife of Mr. Pankaj Ostwal.



Particulars For the year/Period ended (Rs. in Million)
Financial Year 31-Mar-12 31-Mar-11 31-Mar-10 31-Mar-09 31-Mar-08
Total  Liabilities 5562.46 4318.12 2478.29 1220.87 1022.33
Total Assets 5562.46 4318.12 2478.29 1220.87 1022.33
Total Revenue 4616.92 3965.68 2152.78 3662.35 1139.11
Total Expenses 4103.91 3543 2076.36 3516.18 1096.36
Profit After Tax (PAT) 358.02 306.02 84.19 122.49 60.35

Allotment of Shares

If you have applied for Madhya Bharat Agro IPO and willing to know about  your IPO allotment status ? Please check the details of  Madhya Bharat Agro IPO allotment status on link mentioned here for your reference. You can mention your PAN number to check the allotment details.

Click here to check IPO allotment status

Note:- The responsibility of Madhya Bharat Agro SME IPO allotment goes to the appointed Registrar of the company. Registrar of the company is accountable for the allotment of IPO stocks and refund processing too. Therefore, in case of any problem registrar is only the right person to resolve any queries as related to stock allocation or refund. You can check below the basis of allotment of shares for Madhya Bharat Agro IPO under the headlines of ‘Basis of allotment’ document.

Madhya Bharat Agro Shares on the Stock Exchange for trading is likely to get listed as in Sep 2016.

Lead Manager Details:


402, Samedh Complex, Near Associated Petrol Pump, C.G. Road,

Ahmedabad – 380 006, Gujarat- India.

Tel No: + 91-079- 2642 4138/4002 4670   TeleFaxNo : + 91-079- 4002 4670

SEBI REGN NO: INM 000011260

Email Id:


Contact Person:Mr. Nevil R. Savjani


Registrar To The Issue:


E/2, Ansa Industrial Estate, Sakivihar Road,

Sakinaka, Andheri(E), Mumbai- 400072

Tel No: + 91-22- 40430200   FaxNo : + 91-22- 28475207

SEBI REGN NO: INR 000001385

Email Id:


Contact Person: Mr. Ashok Shetty


Registered Office Details:-

5-O-1, Basement, R.C. Vyas Colony,

Bhilwara-311001 (Rajasthan), India.

Tel. No. + 91 -1482-237104, 239091, 310871    Fax No. + 91 -1482-239638



Contact Person: Mr. Nitin Mehta, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer,

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