1. Type of Fund: An close-ended Income Scheme.

2. Duration: 1295 days from the date of allotment of units

3. Asset Allocation Pattern:

Instruments Indicative Allocations (% of total assets) Risk Profile
Minimum Allocation Maximum Allocation High/Medium/Low
Money Market Instrument 10% 0% Low
Government securities / State Development Loans (SDLs) & Debt Instruments 100% 90% Low to Medium


4. Minimum Application Amount: Rs. 5,000/- in multiples of Re. 1, thereafter.

5. Minimum Redemption Amount/No.Of Units:-Any amount or any number of units.

6. Investment Strategy:

The fund is closed ended fund which mature on or before date of maturity of the scheme. The proportion of investment between equity and debt will be decided based on the view of the fund manager on anticipated movement in both debt as well as equity markets . According to the Act, investor can not apply more than the value of 10% amount of its NAV in debt instruments including money market instruments and non-money market instruments issued by a single issuer which are rated not below investment grade by a credit rating authorized agency. However, it may be extended to 12% of the NAV of the scheme after getting the approval of the Board of Trustees and the Board of directors of the asset management company. Repurchased units of the scheme will not be reissued.

7. Dividend Policy of the scheme:

The Trustee Company authorizes and distributes dividend to the investors.Rs. 10 per unit is the face value of Dividend. After declaration and payment of dividend, the ex-dividend NAV will decline to the extent of the dividend payment. Further, all the details of any dividend like no. of Units could be seen at the Stock Exchange.

8. Fund Manager:

Mr. Amit Tripathi
AMC: Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Limited (RNLAM)
(formerly Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited)
CIN : U65910MH1995PLC220793

9. NFO Close Date:
Closing Date:- March 27, 2017

10. Entry and Exit Load:

Entry Load: In accordance with the requirements specified by the SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.4/168230/09 dated June 30, 2009 no entry load will be charged for purchase / additional purchase / switch-in accepted by RMF with effect from August 01, 2009. The upfront commission on investment made by the investor, if any, will be paid to the ARN Holder (AMFI registered Distributor) directly by the investor, based on the investor’s assessment of various factors including service rendered by the ARN Holder.

Exit Load: Not Applicable

11. Transaction Charges:-
1) For the new client a transaction charge of Rs 150/- shall be levied for purchase / subscription of Rs 10,000 and above; and
2) For the existing investor a transaction charge of Rs 100/- shall be levied for per purchase / subscription of Rs 10,000 and above.

12. Plans /Options:

The company has following Plans and Options Under the Direct Plan and Regular Plan:
1) Growth Option:- Under this Option, there will be no distribution of income and the returns to the investor are only by way of capital gains/ appreciation, if any, through redemption at applicable NAV of the units held by them.
2) Dividend Payout Option:- Trustees reserve are authorized to declare a Dividend during the interim period.

Process for Application

1. Before starting this process the investor must ascertain whether his KYC has been completed or not. If the investor already has any investments in mutual funds then he need not worry because then he already would be registered with the designated authority.

2. If the investors KYC (Know your Client) has not been done beforehand then he must fill the KYC Form given below and submit it along with the Application form to your Broker.

3. The application form may seem lengthy, but the new investor only needs to fill only the APPLICATION FORM page 1-3 of the pdf document attached below.

4. For investors who want to invest through the SWITCH FORMAT must fill only page 4 of the form. Please read the instruction for the same on page 5 of the pdf document. The AUTO SWITCH format is for those investors who already have an existing investment with the AMC (in this case Reliance) and would like to use that investment to buy units in this NFO. The investor can use the full investment or partial for this purpose.

5. The investor also needs to attach a cheque for the desired investment.

6. If he wishes to make the payment through the ASBA route (Application Supported by Blocked Amount) then he needs to fill the page 9 of the form as well. The instructions for the same are provided on page 10.

To Download Application Form visit :


To register for KYC process please download KYC Form here :


For instructions on how to fill KYC Form please download :



For More Details Contact us at : (011) – 42445800 , 9650901058

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