How to manage your Competition as a Startup

Competition management is the process of analyzing and evaluating the competitors and their strategic moves to gain competitive advantage over them with a motive of acquiring larger market share, customers, vendors, product/service improvement, launching new value added products/services, etc. In other words we can say that it is a process of formation and implementation of...

Mudra & MSME Loans for Start-Ups – PMMY Scheme, Schemes, Eligibility, Purposes, Benefits, Fiscal Incentives

MSMEs are known as the backbone of the Indian ecosystem due to their strategic role in nation-building through wealth generation, creation of employment opportunities, and harnessing of local talents which in turn plays a pivotal role in contributing to the GDP of the Company. India is home to more than 65000 start-ups registered to date....

How to understand and analyze your Competitor’s strategy as a Startup

Strategy is a plan to achieve short term as well as long term organizational goals of an entity or organization. It can be made for anything such as for sales, marketing, procurement, distribution, etc. In other words we can say that the business plan which you adopt to acquire market share, to boost your sales,...

How to create a High Performance Team in your Startup

Have you ever thought that how some companies becomes so big in just some times? The main reason behind this is that they have a high performing team. The initial problems with the startups are that they don’t have sufficient funds to run their business and shortage of skilled manpower. The reason behind this is that...

Current Scenario for Women Entrepreneurship in India

An Indian woman has to go a long way to achieve her proper place in the world of business. Deep-rooted traditional sociological setup like putting herself second to meeting family responsibilities have been the main reason behind the lack of women entrepreneurs in India. However, since the opening up of the economy in 1991, dramatic...

How Startups should account Overhead Costs and Manner of Calculation

A start-up has to sustain and manage various expenses in the process of its creation and post-incorporation to run a business. Though such costs may vary depending on the type of business structure, nature of products/or services offered, and the scale of business operations or business models. For instance, online businesses need bricks and mortars,...

All that a Startup should know about Cash Flow Statement

Every business needs funds on a day-to-day basis to manage its business affairs. However, financial statements such as balance sheets and profit& loss statements focus primarily on the presentation of financial resources and financial performance of an enterprise leaving cash transactions aside. Therefore, to give a microscopic representation of the day-to-day cash receipts and cash...

Working Capital & its Importance for a Business

Overview It’s a known fact that most start-ups usually run on tighter budgets while struggling with the pressure of performing better or giving better output on lesser funds when already dozens of competitors are existent in the market. Therefore, one key strategy that could be helpful for start-ups, in the long run, is better working...

Important facts and information about LIC IPO

The FM Nirmala Sitharaman has announced the plan of the Govt. of India to launch a mega issue of the Initial Public Offer (IPO) of the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India, which is the largest insurer organization in India with a market share of around 69% share in the insurance business. Apart from being...

Annual Compliances of OPC & Its Procedure

 Overview In recent years, we have seen a considerable rise in the growth & development of start-ups. In all these years, numerous start-up companies have emerged in the Indian corporate industry and still are continually working towards the expansion of their business on a global level. While flourishing start-ups are generally focused on building unique...